Eternal Love Read online

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  “They only tasted that good because you made them,” he replied with a laugh. Over his laugh he could hear her silky voice through her giggles.

  “Oh, stop it already. We both know it was you who made them. I simply assisted.”

  He rubbed his chin as if thinking of a response. “Okay,” he said, “how about we say that we both made the wraps because you did the work, I directed.”

  “Fine, it is settled then……I’ll wash if you dry.” She turned to face him and threw a dishtowel playfully at him.

  “Deal,” he said as he strode toward the counter. Phoenix followed behind him towards the sink and started to run the hot water.

  “Is it going to take a while for the sink to fill up?” Phoenix sighed as she tried to think of something to do.

  “Well I have some idea of what to do whilst we wait.” As he spoke he tenderly tucked strands of her hair behind her ear. The movement sent sparks of excitement through her. Erik sensed her reaction and leaned in slowly as if to check whether he had gone too far. Their lips met halfway, a simple brush at first before Phoenix sank in deeper.

  Their lips crushed together eagerly and passionately forming a synchronised dance between them. Erik threw the dishtowel on the counter and his hands moved towards the nape of her back sending jolts of pleasure tingling through her. Phoenix reacted instantly by moving her hands up and around his neck, her fingers twining in his hair. Erik slowly lifted her and sat her on the counter, her legs wrapped around his waist. They pulled away gasping for air. Their faces only inches apart.

  “Is it too late to say that I have deep feelings for you?” he whispered the words with a slight smile.

  “Not if it is too late for me to admit that I have feelings for you too,” Phoenix replied with a hushed whisper.

  Chapter 5

  Saturday awoke bright and sunny; it was perfect weather for a picnic. At this thought Phoenix leaped out of bed startling a disgruntled Fiera.

  “Sorry, Fiera, it is just that I am really excited. Today I get answers it won’t happen again.”

  In response Fiera growled, “Yeah right, I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  Under her breath Phoenix whispered, “Grumpy old lady.” At this Fiera bared her fangs and playfully prepared to pounce.

  Laughing Phoenix said, “Hey, I am not fighting right now….I need your fashion sense to help me through this.” Fiera immediately rose from her pounce and pounced into the wardrobe. It’s a shame Fiera can’t change, she would have made a perfect human, Phoenix thought while waiting on her rumpled bed.

  Fiera exited the wardrobe, a sock hanging lopsided over her ear. In her mouth she carried a strappy neon pink top and a pair of denim shorts.

  “You know, Fiera, I agree these are perfect if you were trying to kill me! I mean it is only practically a second if not third date! And you know I hate pink!” she snarled slightly.

  Fiera looked annoyed at this and growled in response. “Your right…I’m overreacting….I’m sorry. Your fashion sense is better than mine and I need things I can easily slip on….it still doesn’t stop me from thinking that you are trying to kill me though.”

  Fiera stared at Phoenix. “You asked for my help and you got it. Now just shut the hell up and get dressed already. God, moments ago you were in a hurry as you have a….date, and now you are sat there complaining!”

  Fiera turned and dropped the clothes into her lap. Then left with her tail wagging as though she had just won the argument.

  Phoenix giggled under her breath, Fiera always made Phoenix laugh when she was trying to act like the boss. Phoenix struggled to contain her laughter so she turned from the door and stared at the clothes. At least they are suitable for the weather, she thought. She got dressed as quick as she could and skipped down the stairs while tying her silky hair back from her face. Fiera popped her head around the corner of the living room seeming to look Phoenix up and down. She snarled at Phoenix until she took down her hair, once her hair fell around her face, Fiera purred. Great she was following the instructions of a cub again. She’s been following those instructions for a while.

  She looked in the hallway mirror and gasped. Her fringe fell to the right, framing her face and enhancing her features. In the faint light glowing through the window, her gold eyes sparkled brilliantly like the North Star and glowed in excitement, her lips were parted in a silent ‘O’ of surprise. Fiera was right…I look amazing, she thought admiring her reflection.

  “Fiera. You. Are. The. Best.” From the mirror she saw Fiera give a wolf-like grin with her teeth showing and her tongue lolling out to the side. Phoenix smiled unable to stifle her giggles. “Fiera thanks….I sincerely believe he is my parce est qui.”

  “Are you really sure he means more than your life already? I mean do you feel all protected and…..well lovey dovey around him?”

  “Yes….I’m sure he’s the one. He’s my soul mate.”

  “Well if you’re sure…..My work here is done,” Fiera said smugly as she returned to the comfort of the fireplace.

  Phoenix grabbed a pair of roman sandals and walked out the door. Anticipation of what she was going to do with Erik overwhelmed her eliminating her nerves.


  Erik stood at the edge of the woods underneath the shadow of a willow. His black t-shirt hugged his chest outlining his muscular frame. He had chosen the t-shirt in an attempt to impress but also because it was his most worn favourite. As Phoenix strolled towards him he looked her up and down, a smile playing on his lips. His gaze paused at her face, staring intently at her features. God, she is more beautiful than I remember, he thought relishing in the memory of Wednesday evening.

  “Hello, Erik,” she smiled at him. Her eyes reflecting his anticipation.

  “Hello, Phoenix. You are more beautiful every time I see you.”

  She blushed a fiery scarlet, he clenched his fists, every time he saw her he felt an unexplainable urge to caress her face. And her lips always taunted him, begging him to lean in and kiss them, to feel their gentle silky texture. Pushing away his thoughts, he gazed intently into her warm gold eyes.

  “You look more dashing every time we meet as well you know.” He now could feel heat burn along his cheeks as well.

  “Thank you.” They smiled at each other. Both of them leaning towards the other unconsciously.

  “Shall we….you know….go.” His words came slower as he relished in the intimate connection sparking between them.

  “Yes, I think we should…lead the way.” He had forgotten this was the first time he had brought her here.

  “May I?” He glanced longingly at her hand.

  She realised immediately his meaning and tentatively entwined their fingers. Her hand felt tenderly warm in his, warmer than he expected, but somehow burning with intimate emotions that left him tingling with pleasure. They smiled at each other as they glance at their interlocked hands.

  “Right….Time for you to find my secret hideout.” She laughed at his use of humour and they set off through the woods.


  The sun finally peaked through the treetops illuminating a mountain ledge lush with blackberry bushes. A waterfall could be heard nearby over the sound of their heavy breathing. The climb to the ledge had taken up most of the morning but it was definitely worth a glimpse at what lay before her now.

  “This is what I call Sun Ridge…It is always like this when the sun is out. Do you like it?”

  “I love it….you always come here?” she asked, enthusiasm blossoming from her words.

  “Only when I want to be at peace with the world…”

  Phoenix had strode out into the sun feeling the heat seep through her skin. She smiled at Erik.

  “Bet you can’t get me,” she taunted, judging from the change in his smile she assumed he enjoyed the challenge.
r />   She turned and sprinted towards the bushes but moments later she ran into something as hard as stone. The stone seemed to lock her in. She gazed up to find Erik’s face inches from her own. His arms encasing her. She wrapped her arms around his waist, Erik slowly leaned in. Their lips met and her whole world appeared to revolve around them and only them. She savoured the moment, listening to their hearts thud in perfect synchronization. Their bodies becoming one. His lips moved passionately yet tenderly against hers with the distinguished sweet taste that resembled him in every way, like the sweetened toffee surrounding the apple that once started leaves a tangy sensation.

  They leaned back in each other’s arms gasping for breath. Then she realised the light that swirled around him. He glowed a faint gold and behind him the shadows took the form of black wings.

  She gasped taken aback by his beauty. He looks exactly like an Archangel, she thought remembering images from several of her books. The truth slowly sank in but before she could speak Erik moved away in fear that she was afraid.

  “You’re a-a-a….Vampire.” She spoke the words slowly letting them engrave into her thoughts. He’s a Vampire….a Vampire.

  “I knew this would happen…why was I so stupid!” he was murmuring angrily to himself. Phoenix taken aback by the fact that he hadn’t attacked her before, strode towards him.

  “What do you mean, ‘I knew this would happen’? I’m not afraid….just shocked that you weren’t planning on telling me.” She wrapped her arms around his waist again in an attempt to gain his attention.

  “So you aren’t….you know….scared of me?” he spoke it as though it was a question.

  “Why would I be scared of you….you haven’t attacked me….I have never seen you drink human blood….and….well….I love you.” She poured her entire heart in her last three words. He smiled but it faded rapidly. “What’s wrong…is there anything else that you are hiding?”

  “Yes, I am hiding other things…” He was whispering now. “I would tell you….but….I’m scared to mention it….it might send you away.” He looked Phoenix in the eyes as he spoke, emotion drenched in every syllable.

  “I promise no matter what you tell me that I am not going anywhere.” Phoenix promised with her heart.

  “What if I told you I wasn’t entirely who you think I am? What if I told you that I used to be….well…..different?”

  “I still wouldn’t leave you…ever. Why are you worried I will run even now that I have told you I’m yours?”

  “Because I have deep feelings for you and you should know that. But I don’t want to make you leave me.” His voice became barely audible as he finished.

  “I have something I need to tell you too but it can wait. Because I, like you, have a secret I have never told another soul about.”

  “Where should I begin?” Caution lined every aspect of his features.

  “From the beginning.”

  He sighed thinking how to start. “Ummm…well….you know how there was a war between Vampires and Werewolves….well….I was sort of there….me and my brother used to be members of the Night Coven but we left when Elizabeth and Angelus became in charge…especially after we discovered they had killed werewolves…..and….and….since then I have tried to avoid feeding from humans because I fear I will someday be dragged back and turned into…well…a monster like them.”

  Phoenix was frozen. Her features locked into a state of shock which Erik realised and quickly began murmuring again. “Knew this was a bad idea…Never should have brought it up.”

  “Stop punishing yourself. It’s not your fault that you were forced to join the Night Coven….And if it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t be who you are….You are a great person, no matter what you will always be great. Now I promised to tell you my secret so I will. In fact, I will even show you after if you don’t believe me.” She paused momentarily. “Well I-I-I-I’m a Werewolf. I was the wolf in the woods that day when you watched her hunt. Okay…it was me. Look, I will show you.”

  Phoenix turned and strode into the shadows conscious that his gaze was following her every movement. She paused and as fast as she was capable, prepared to shift. She leaped onto the ledge and transformed. The russet fur ripped from her body. Once she landed she was in her favourite form. She strode up to Erik watching as he thought through what he had seen. Shock flitted across his expression briefly and then dissipated to admiration mingled with fear.

  He had scrabbled backwards but quickly regained his composure. “I suppose this is payback for the surprise of being a vampire, huh?” he asked as Phoenix barked out a wolf laugh. Erik couldn’t resist laughing with her and Phoenix knew it so she sat down and watched with an amused expression.

  “Incredible….you’re nothing like I imagined…..You have a very calm nature you know, and you’re compassionate so I would never have guessed that you were a Werewolf…..But that means that all this time Werewolves and Vampires were killing each other when in fact, we could live in harmony.” He paced backwards and forwards murmuring until he came to a stop in front of her. “Can you please change back into human form it would be easier to talk to you and….kiss you for that matter.”

  Phoenix grinned and lolled her tongue out causing Erik to back away with his hands out stretched. She completely ignored his hand gestures and strolled towards him casually. Once she was close enough she liked his cheek causing him to laugh and try clean up the wolf saliva she left dripping from his cheek.

  She turned on her heels and smugly pranced back into the shadows listening to his quiet laughter. She shifted back to human form and pulled on her clothes, putting her sandals on as she walked.

  “So did I……you know……shock you, Fang Boy?” she asked smirking.

  “You certainly did….Wolfie. I was expecting you to be an angel…..I never thought I would fall in love with a Werewolf…..but then again the colour of your hair should have given me a hint. The legends spread are false….you aren’t the enemy….are you?”

  “Of course not if I was I would have killed you right on the spot whether I loved you or not.”

  “Now that is a scary thought….but that means that the descriptions in the legends were wrote just because you are just as strong as us….maybe stronger….which in their eyes would make you a threat.” He paused smiling before he yelled, “Vampires and Werewolves could be allies!”

  “Whooooo! The legends are wrong!”

  Erik strode over laughing and lifted her from the ground by the waist. He spun with her, their lips meeting as he placed her down. A snarl echoed from the woods causing them to leap apart.

  In amongst the trees stood the largest person she had ever seen. He was more muscular in comparison to Erik and his hair was as red as boiling lava. A tattoo of black flames lined the right side of his face and stretched to wrap around his right arm. His eyes were black, as black as the endless night, and yet at the same time somehow blazing with fire. The stranger turned and sprinted deeper into the darkness, obvious anger in each of his steps. Erik stared at Phoenix in shock, recognition on his perfect face.


  “What? Who was he? Was he related to you?”

  “Change into wolf form and run home! I will explain once I arrive!” With that, he turned and ran after the stranger.

  In fear of the moment, forgetting to preserve her clothes, Phoenix phased instantly and charged home. She arrived gasping for breath and changed instantly on her doorstep. She looked down and realised her clothes hung around her body in scraps of material. She rushed inside and did not stop until she was in her room, changing into new clothes, one thought repeated over and over in her mind, What had just happened?

  Chapter 6

  A thud at the door startled Phoenix. She peered through the eyehole to see Erik’s stricken faced. As she swung the door open he darted into the house locking it instantly.r />
  “Where were you?” she asked annoyed that he still had no explanation.

  “I was in Conclave. That is why I have only just come as things are worse than I thought.”

  “Why? What’s worse than what you thought?” She started to panic at the new piece of information.

  “The thing that’s worse is that I know who is after us and he is highly dangerous, especially since he knows everything about me.”

  “You knew that stranger!” Shock overtook her as she realised that he was possibly related to the stranger.

  “Yes…it….it was my brother, Kade. The only problem is, now he has a thirst for our blood and….well he knows you’re a Werewolf.”

  “Wh-What! He wants to kill us because he knows we’re in love….Did you explain that the legends aren’t true, that we can live in harmony.”

  “Yes I tried, but he is so arrogant at times, it is a matter of life and death, I was unable to change his mind…..At least Fiona listened, she has a gift that will help us.”

  “Who is Fiona?” Phoenix demanded angrily. How many things was he keeping from me?, she thought bitterly.

  “She is a vampire who has saved my life countless times. She can make her spirit self travel to the future…kind of like, you know, taking an aeroplane but through time rather than distance. You will understand when you meet her.”

  “So she is like our surveillance and saviour wrapped into one…..” Phoenix pondered at the thought.


  “And she is on her way here….and you didn’t tell me!”

  “I knew this would happen…..Of course I couldn’t tell you, I was too busy in Conclave…” he sighed exasperated.

  “Right, so how long will it take her to arrive?”

  “About…” As he spoke the door opened showing a voluptuous silhouette.

  The silhouette stepped through the door revealing honey blonde hair that hung to the base of her spine, the light glinted off her impersonating a halo. She had eyes bluer than the deepest sea ringed with dark shadows that appeared like a storm cloud. The silhouette froze, like a immaculate statue.