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- Fiona Newcombe
Eternal Love Page 2
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Page 2
Absent-mindedly, she started to fiddle with the patchwork quilt that lay neatly on the edge of her bed. The wolves that appeared to be running through the images always fascinated her, but one caught her eye more than the others; a single russet wolf sat on a hill enhanced by the moon, howling mournfully. The image reminded her of her past, even though it was tragic, she relished in the memory. A clatter dragged her from her memories. A stack of books had tumbled to the floor mere inches from her foot. Well, she thought, at least some, if pointless, miracles happen.
“I wonder….” she spoke her thought aloud. “If pointless miracles exist, do love stories exist?” She pondered this for a moment as if indecisive of whether to believe or not.
“Don’t be absurd! Love stories don’t unravel with mysterious strangers….at least not in reality.”
Phoenix observed humans as a hobby. It was mainly because she found how they acted fascinating. Currently a group of teenage cheerleaders walked past her which made her grit her teeth. Great, it was the start of the football and soccer season. As soon as she thought of the start of the season she spotted what had first caught her attention. A single banner fluttered mesmerisingly in the breeze making the blue writing near enough impossible for a normal human to read but not for a Werewolf. She read, “Welcome to our brand new team, The Mysterious Mountain Lions!”
Brilliant! Her mind growled sarcastically, a new team equals more tourists which means observing in darker shadows. Perfect.
Turning away from the banner, a sudden gust blew against her face sending the unmistakable scent that had caused her dreamless nights. It was him, the stranger. The scent became stronger as a relatively muscular 16 year old walked steadily past. Phoenix’s first impression of him was that he was the most perfect person she had ever laid eyes on. He was certainly unmissable as he towered over other teenage boys.
Dark, brown hair framed his angelic face, the wind gently whipping his fringe aside to reveal a set of almond eyes that compelled her to watch him. She tore her gaze away from his eyes and noticed that his Cupid bow lips were a two-toned pink going red. The corners of his lips twitched as if fighting the urge to smile. He glanced in her direction causing heat to burn along her cheeks. I must be crimson, she thought, He must have noticed me in the shadows watching him. I knew I should have gone into a darker shadow. I have to talk to him. I mean how else will I solve what he saw and who he is.
Holding her breath before she could change her mind, she walked out of the shadows and into the blazing sun. This was a big deal for her as she is so used to only observing. He turned as though expecting she would follow, Phoenix paused, her features remained impassive but her breath stalled in her lungs. He was so perfect it should be made illegal.
“Can I help you?” His voice sounded like velvet caressing her skin.
“Um-errr, I recognise you, weren’t you in the woods last Sunday?” she stuttered uncontrollably.
His expression turned playful. “Am I really that scary?” He laughed to himself then turned his gaze back to Phoenix. His almond eyes seared into hers making it difficult to think. “Yes I was in the woods, however I don’t appear to remember you.”
“I was just taking a walk, anyway, why would you notice me….nobody ever does.”
“You’re stunning. Beautiful. Glamorous. Take whichever phrase you want, but nobody would ever forget anyone like you.”
The blush returned, hotter than before. “I-I-I-I-I-errrr th-thank you.”
Great, I’m stuttering like a lunatic.
“Look, I’m sorry to be rude but before we continue this conversation may I at least know your name?” The way he asked reminded Phoenix of gentlemen decades ago but how would he know about how to speak if he hadn’t lived during that time and learnt the way to speak then? The way he structured his sentences made Phoenix picture him as a knight in shining armour amongst his noble steed. Her version of a prince.
“Phoenix. Phoenix Firesong.”
“Well, Phoenix Firesong, my name is Erik. Erik Cyprian. Now if we are continuing this conversation, maybe we should go grab a coffee.” He gave a low bow sending
Phoenix’s heart thundering. Erik’s lips twitched hinting that he could hear the change in her heart rate.
That was impossible, wasn’t it?
Erik had linked arms with her causing her to lose all train of thought other than the fact that he was touching her and she didn’t mind it for the first time in her life. He led her towards the centre of town past several Coffee Expresses.
“Err which coffee shop are we heading to?” Her voice shook slightly as fear sank in. We’re in the middle of town…and I don’t even know where we’re heading.
“I am taking you to one of my favourite places, Coffee Universe.” he smiled at her expression as it had turned form panic to relief and then settled on puzzlement.
“I’ve never heard of Coffee Universe before….but then again I don’t really tend to do much with my free time.”
“Well we’ll have to change that because I am sure you will love it and will soon want to visit again.” He sounded genuinely surprised that Phoenix didn’t do much with her time but it didn’t stop her from thinking, We’ll see whether I like it or not.
Once Erik had ordered their drinks they found a table outside and waited. Their order arrived and Phoenix was surprised to discover that she loved everything about Coffee Universe, including the small Italian tables they we’re seated at. Phoenix took a deep breath before she gathered the ends of the last of their conversation and plunged on.
“I know this may sound strange but….I seem to remember you from somewhere other than the woods.”
“Ahhhh but it is not strange as I appear to remember you too.”
This made her heart flutter erratically, she wanted him to remember her for all the right and wrong reasons.
“Why don’t we do a round of questions, that way we learn about each other. I mean it is only right if we both remember each other.”
“Sure. Would you like to go first?” Once he finished asking Erik took a sip from his mocha and waited patiently, oblivious that panic had overtaken her. He cocked his head to the side to stare at her.
“Oh.” It was the only thing she could manage to say, her heart had taken up residence in her mouth.
“Would you rather continue this conversation at a later date?”
She nodded, she couldn’t think and something in his tone forced her to say yes to time alone with him. “How about at one of my favourite places? But you would need to meet me at the edge of the Withering Woods.”
“Of course, is this place secluded?”
He paused taken aback by her question. “Yes it is secluded….why?”
She shrugged flippantly. “No reason. So I will see you Saturday then?”
“Saturday, great.” His face immediately lit up. He flashed her a lop-sided grin. “I look forward to seeing you again.” He stood and bowed before turning to walk with a catlike grace.
“See you,” She murmured as he walked slowly past. She saw his lips twitch in response before continuing to pass her. Well, she thought, looks like you have got a date.
Chapter 4
The following Wednesday was dark and drizzling with rain, the atmosphere felt like electricity was searching for a new form.
“Looks like today is going to come with a lightning storm, Fiera,” Phoenix warned her as she knew that Fiera did not like thunder and that lightning was her idea of torture and torment.
Fiera whimpered slightly but composed herself by staring at her bristled fiery fur.
“I know you dislike storms but you could at least talk to me instead of sitting here, whimpering. I mean aren’t you supposed to be used to them? You are 370! And you are older than me yet I can still handle storms with
out cowering!”
“Hey! Just because I am older than you, does not mean I have to like or put up with storms in any other way than my own. And that means I will do as I please to try to survive this natural version of punishment.” Fiera almost spat the words at Phoenix, infuriated by her incompetence.
Fiera turned and stalked out of the darkened bedroom with her head held high.
“You do as you please anyway,” Phoenix murmured to her companions retreating tail.
Once Fiera was gone Phoenix sighed with frustration and boredom. Well, she thought, at least she can’t ignore me forever. Oh great! We need food and the rain is pouring down. Phoenix sighed before resentfully deciding what to wear for a shopping trip in the common Canadian weather.
Phoenix stood in the entryway of Heaven Feathers’ only supermarket. The supermarket used the previous foundations of an 1800 middle-Victorian mansion. It was once a mansion anyway until a group of travellers built a town around it. Then as the years progressed, the village had improved in technology causing the mansion to become an industrial lighted supermarket with a long history.
Phoenix wore black from head to foot in order to blend in with her surroundings but it only managed to make her all the more noticeable. But it made her feel safer. Even though she faced her fears with Erik, she still felt vulnerable in full view of the public. She moved under the doorway and removed the hood of her drenched trench coat. Phoenix stood a moment longer, fanning her curls back from her face, before moving into the illuminated isles.
Erik stood silently watching from the counter as Phoenix removed her hood. God she is stunning, was his only thought as he noticed what she was wearing. He glanced over her voluptuous frame. She had unfastened her coat and was walking towards the canned food isle with her coat flowing behind her like a robe belonging to the most graceful enchantress.
Erik felt his jaw drop at the sight of her and was only brought back to the present by a female voice which he recognised was the counter attendant.
“S-sorry, what did you say?” Erik asked still not fully aware of what he was previously doing.
“I said would you like some carrier bags for your shopping or is there anything else I can get you?”
The woman appeared no older than 16. She had a fair complexion and ebony hair which was complemented by her emerald eyes. She had leaned forward suggestively and Erik quickly caught her meaning.
“No, I don’t require anything else but a carrier bag would be most helpful,” Erik said with a smile as her expression quickly fell into a pout that clearly said ‘no fair’.
As soon as Erik had placed his items in the bag, he strode off to try to find Phoenix.
Erik found Phoenix deciding whether to choose steak or pork and couldn’t help but smile at her back. She always seemed to make him smile even when he was only observing her.
“I suggest you take the steak,” his voice had startled her slightly but when she faced him she was smiling. Her smile lit up his world like a series of sparkling fireworks.
“Thanks….um….so what are you doing here in this weather?” She appeared to be a little flustered as she thought through her words.
“You know same thing as you, shopping for food. I was mainly shopping for this Saturday as I thought we could have a picnic or dinner.” His words obviously flattered her as she blushed deep crimson.
“That sounds perfect….Shame about the weather today, isn’t it? Lightning storms have always scared Fiera….” She cut her sentence short.
“Who’s Fiera?” he asked full of curiosity.
“She is my pet.” She kept her statement blunt.
“How did you get here?” Erik changed the subject as he noticed her discomfort and didn’t want to push her away.
“I walked. How did you get here, you look perfectly dry?”
“I drove here. I own a Ferrari.”
“Really!! What model? I have always wanted one but haven’t been able to afford it!”
“It’s a 599 GTB Fiorano.” His voice hinted at the undeniable pride he felt for his car.
“No. Way! That is my favourite model! Is it as fast as it says? No, wait, don’t tell me it is faster! I have always wanted one in red!”
Wow, he thought, she is glamorous, intelligent and she knows about cars. She is the perfect girl of my dreams.
“Well it is red and I’d say it does go faster….Oh you walked here didn’t you…Well would you like a lift home? It would be very un-gentlemanly for me not to offer such a beautiful girl a ride, especially in this weather.” He smiled sending her heart hammering.
He could audibly hear every pulse even in a crowded atmosphere but he favoured the sound of Phoenix’s as it was constantly changing from panic to hammering flattery. He could also tell that he was thinking of her as much as she thought of him.
“That would be….amazing.” Her voice was a whisper sending shivers of joy down his spine like a caressing hand.
Once they were inside his car, Phoenix’s eyes glistened with excitement. Erik’s heart rate increased at the sight of her perfect lips that were turned up slightly at the edges.
“Where do you live?” His voice sounded husky even to himself so to try cover it up he cleared his voice audibly.
“I live at The Archangels’ Palace. It’s the mansion at the furthest edge of the Withering Woods,” she spoke slowly and specifically as if she was saying everything in a dream.
“The Archangels’ Palace it is. He turned the key in the ignition and the vehicle purred to life beneath them. “You may want to hold on; I tend to drive as fast as possible.”
“Well then, we have something in common. I love the thrill of speed so what are we waiting for. Let’s go!”
Erik pulled up outside her front door. His heart tripped from the exhilaration of the ride and the girl sat next to him.
“Thank you for driving me home.” Her heart was bouncing hyperactively from the rush of adrenaline.
“No problem,” he replied politely.
“Errrmm…..would, you…well…would you like to come in for something to eat?” Her voice shook slightly revealing that she was nervous. God, he thought, she is so perfect especially when she is nervous.
“I’d love to,” he said this with obvious delight. This he meant literally as her expression looked hopeful and slightly dumbstruck.
“Great! Just give me 5 minutes so I can get in and change….Oh and watch out for Fiera as she can be a little bit vicious at times,” she warned him, her expression overjoyed.
He watched her sprint to the front door. His key still in the ignition. Once she had pushed through the door he climbed out of the car.
5 minutes is the perfect amount of time, he thought as he sprinted back down the road at his full speed.
5 minutes later and Phoenix had changed into an aqua blue blouse and denim jeans, when the knock came signalling her time was up. Phoenix and Fiera jogged down the stairs to let Erik in.
Erik had somehow managed to change as well into a loose fitting black t-shirt and jeans that hung loosely on his waist. He smiled making her heart flutter erratically for the fifth time this evening.
“Hello again.” His gaze shifted uncertainly at Fiera who sat at Phoenix’s feet.
“Hey. Don’t mind Fiera I am sure she will behave.” As she spoke Erik’s face looked panicked before he covered it with a smile. She gave Fiera a stern look that said, ‘Don’t you dare misbehave.’
She turned and led Erik into the colossal kitchen. Her kitchen consisted of a large room painted aqua sapphire with oak cabinets and worktops lining the room. In the centre stood a worktable that had several seats placed around it which worked as an in-kitchen, dining room table.
“Have a seat,”
she said gesturing towards the chairs. “So what do you fancy to eat?”
“How about some of that steak I recommended for you or would you prefer me to teach you how to make wraps?” he asked this glancing at the packet of pita breads left on the counter.
“I like wraps but I never have chance to make them so…why don’t you teach me your version of a wrap.” As she said it, a slow smile spread across his face.
“Sounds like a plan but my wraps are no secret.”
Erik stood and strode over to the fridge removing tomatoes, a lettuce and some other necessities. He then moved over to the knife rack and selected the largest of the blades.
“What is it with boys and big knives?” she smiled coyly at Erik as she asked her question.
“I don’t know maybe because it is more threatening than a tiny one,” he smirked at her. “Don’t worry I am not going to harm you. In fact, I think no one in this universe could harm you. You are far too beautiful and delicate.” Her smile returned at his compliment which also treated him to another one of her fiery blushes.
Once Erik had gathered the required ingredients, he handed Phoenix the knife. She held the handle judging its weight before she moved up to the counter in front of the chopping board. Phoenix placed the tomato on top of the board and prepared to slice it. Before the blade came down Erik moved behind her and placed his hands on top of hers.
“Does the chef always stand this close to his apprentice?” Phoenix smiled as she asked.
“Only when they are as gorgeous as you.” His reply sent a thrill coursing through her and his warm breath against her neck felt as if angels were warming it with the golden rays of heaven. As they sliced, his hands felt firm and tantalizingly warm on hers as if they were made for each other and even the most tender of caresses could never make her feel as she did enveloped in Erik’s presence.
“They were delicious,” Phoenix complimented him.