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Eternal Love Page 4
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Page 4
“Pain and danger, love and hatred all await at the end of an unfolding path. Blue light shimmers in the air, growls and cries become one…” Her voice spoke but her lips remained sealed.
Erik leaned towards Phoenix and whispered, “It is her spirit self that is talking so don’t become worried or startled.”
Phoenix focused back on Fiona. Her statue like trance passed.
“What did I say?” Her eyes appeared to clear of storms. “Erik did you take note of everything I said or do I need to project again?”
“Ummmmm-you said, pain and danger, love and hatred all await at the end of an unfolding path….”Phoenix glanced towards Erik who was frozen to the spot oblivious to her repeating the riddle, “Blue light shimmers in the air….and that growls and cries become one.”
“Well at least someone listened,” Fiona said staring at Erik waiting for his questions.
“Will it definitely happen?” Erik asked speaking for the first time.
“I can only travel and see what people’s current decision will end up as,” she said sarcastically, “I have told you this a million times so currently, yes, it will happen….is this the girl?….Phoenix right?” she asked turning towards Phoenix.
“Um-yeah that’s right….you’re Fiona, Erik was just telling me that you are going to help us.”
“He did, did he? Well as you should be aware, you and Erik are currently in grave danger. I will only be able to travel and see a change in your future if you change any of your decisions. Anyway, no need to worry, I will text any new information to Erik.”
“Right…” she spoke calmly but wanted to scream, ‘are you crazy! You are going to be in danger and you didn’t even tell me! I am coming with you whether you like it or not!’
As if in response to her thoughts Erik interjected, “I will be fine and anyway I am more indestructible than you are as I have no other use for my heart than to help express emotion, it only beats around you and that is because of my feelings for you….I need you, parce est qui. Please stay where you’re safe….”
She couldn’t believe he said he needed her parce est qui, which translated as he needed her more than his life, so she replied reluctantly, “Fine I will stay here, for now.” Erik smiled triumphantly and sighed in relief.
“Thank you,” he whispered next to her ear, his breath caressing her neck.
Fiona interrupted the moment by coughing. “Right, now that she knows everything I am going home where I will be able to travel to the future in peace. See you!” She turned on her heels faster than light and strode out the door.
“Bye!” Erik and Phoenix called at the same time before bursting out with laughter. They laughed briefly before the tense, grim atmosphere returned.
Phoenix paused as another vision flooded her sight. The same scene and silhouette sent shivers down her spine.
“It is all connected….” she murmured her thought aloud.
“What is all connected?” Erik’s face appeared in her line of sight. He appeared worried which was instantly detectable in his voice.
“Everything in my vision….it links to Kade.”
“What vision?”
“I believe I can see visions of the future. I have only had the one but it has just reappeared now. It happens at rubble that resembles the foundations of Heaven Feather. There is smoke and a silhouette. He is sneering and he has the exact build of Kade…Does this mean anything?” Her voice had become more worried with each word. Erik’s face became impassive as her description sunk in.
“You saw this in the woods, didn’t you? The first time I ever saw you I thought you were an ordinary wolf and that you were hunting….but you paused mid-leap. It was the vision that distracted you but I thought it was me you had detected….so I retreated but you never followed so I finished observing you but you charged off….”
Phoenix could tell that everything was starting to sink-in for Erik including the shock he should have felt earlier.
“Yes, that is the first time I had the vision,” Phoenix whispered now as she allowed the truth to overwhelm them.
“Do you know what this means……You need to call the pack.”
“What?! I can’t call the pack….are you insane….I left when I was younger!” Phoenix spoke as though Erik had completely lost his mind.
“You are a born Alpha; any pack has to listen to you. I read it in some of the ancient scrolls. To them your call is the call of a Queen. Only a leader has visions.”
“So what you’re saying is that all I have to do is go outside and howl….and then every werewolf will come running to me, like I’m a homing beacon.”
“Exactly!” His voice sounded excited.
“No, I am not calling the werewolves….Don’t you know how we think or how we track? As soon as they catch up to me they will follow me everywhere, and if that doesn’t look suspicious, the increase in wolves will definitely catch the hunters’ attention. They don’t like vampires so they will try to kill you, it would even cause Kade’s attention to focus on all of us which will only start a war which I don’t….” Phoenix couldn’t keep the note of hysteria out of her voice as the tears streamed down her face. Erik had wrapped his arms around her to comfort her.
“I know it will draw attention and could potentially kill me as well as you, I know about your loss as it is one of the most tragic scrolls recorded. I’m sorry I suggested it, it was a dumb idea.” His face became crestfallen.
“You’re forgiven, but then….what can we do?” He brightened at her forgiving him but they both knew there was only one hope.
Kill or be killed.
Chapter 7
Phoenix had a restless night. She dreamt that she was running through the woods towards an ominous blue light that was always glowing in the distance but never coming closer. A cry echoes through the trees giving a cacophony of sound which was closely followed by thunderous growls. Each time she was startled out of sleep, she concluded it was the war that she and Erik would have to wage.
Dawn broke through her sleep as the light danced on her face. What if my dreams were a vision or were they just that, an endless dream? She pondered over this for a moment. Phoenix sat up at the sound of a clatter. Oh no! He has found me! Her thoughts screamed at her until she heard the reassuring growl and pad of paws, relief flooded her body as she identified the stranger. Fiera.
As she wrestled out of her covers she noticed a single sheet of paper lying on a pile of her books. As she read the note her heart hammered, it was from Erik. His elegant script appeared to dance on the ancient parchment. The realisation of the note sunk in as she finished admiring his writing. It read;
“Be safe Wolfie-E”
She re-read the note. He wants me to be safe when he was the one running off hunting down his deadly brother! God, he must be deluded! She turned away from the note trying unsuccessfully to calm her thundering heart. Last night really happened, I am in danger and I have actually fallen in love with the hottest guy I have ever met, that loves me back, but just turns out to be a Vampire. Great. I am digging my own grave and planning the funeral. At least I know one thing for certain, there is a hell and I have an invitation with my name on it.
She eyed her wardrobe wondering if she will be able to see Erik today. Fiera stared at her obviously aware of what she was about to ask. Fiera turned and dived into her clothes. Rummaging through them, she came up with some jeans lined with emeralds and a pale green t-shirt.
“Thanks Fiera, but I have to go hunting. I will have to get changed into them later.” Fiera growled defiantly but she quickly gave a wolf grin and walked out smugly.
Phoenix searched through the pile of clothes herself discarding pairs of socks as she went. No wonder I ask Fiera to pick things as there is far too many socks in h
ere, she thought wishing she had taken the clothes Fiera had offered. She chose a yellow t-shirt and a pair of shorts, the ideal clothing for a werewolf that never gets cold. She pulled them on conscious of the heat of the sun.
Erik ran, faster than he had ever run before. The trees flying past him as he tracked his only brother.
“Where is he?” he growled. His growl would have made the fiercest lion cower before him now.
Leaves rustled near his left. He swerved leaping into the trees as he scanned the woods below. A streak of red ran past. Right on time, he thought.
He charged through the woods in rapid pursuit of his brother. Reaching out his arms he could feel the cotton of his brother’s favourite t-shirt. He grabbed the material causing Kade to face him. His features were cold set and his eyes blazed with an ancient fury.
“You betrayed me!” he spat the words, hatred and venom leaking from each syllable.
“She is not like the legends say…”
“What are you talking about? I meant the fact that you made her fall in love with you even though I told you I had a thing for her! I mean how could you do that to me! I have loved her ever since we moved to this God forsaken place!”
Kades’ words had dissipated into the background as Erik remembered their previous evenings.
Storm clouds gathered outside one of the many intricate windows that was located on the furthest reaches of his new home. It was situated nearer the darkest, most dangerous parts of the Withering Woods.
“Move away from the window and drink your meal,” his brother’s voice sounded behind him.
“You are not the boss of me, and anyway….where are you going tonight? We only just moved here,” his voice made his statements sound like a question.
“Nowhere special….just going to investigate the area.” Erik turned then to face Kade. He rotated quickly enough to realise his brother had averted his eyes.
“Right…” Erik’s voice became sarcastic and disbelieving.
With a sigh they returned to their previous conversation.
“Erik, you must understand we moved for the better hunting grounds…I mean there are no Werewolves at all here.”
“You mean we moved because you didn’t like that I received all the attention! That we moved so you could find a potential mate.” He air quoted for emphasis which seemed to infuriate Kade.
“You know that isn’t true,” he sighed and rubbed his eyes. Before turning away Kade called, “I’m going out so good hunting or good….whatever you’re doing.” With that he turned and left.
“See you sooner than you think,” Erik murmured to his brothers disappearing back.
Moments later Erik had finally set off to discover where Kade desperately wanted to visit immediately. He ran silently, pausing momentarily to assure he hadn’t passed him. That was when he saw her house looming tall at the edge of the woods. Kade had climbed up a tree and sat staring through the window with yearning eyes.
He had climbed a tree nearby and rustled the leaves to distract his brother. Kade hadn’t moved from his spot until the window opened. Kade had sprinted back into the woods and hopefully home. Erik stared at the window as Phoenix had stuck her head out to investigate. She was as beautiful as the last time he had seen her. Her lips had parted slightly out of curiosity and her eyes glistened with lack of sleep. She shrugged flippantly and tied her hair into a messy ponytail before returning to her room.
Once her light had flickered out and Erik was certain he had not been spotted, he leaped from the tree and ran into the woods to continue with his previous plan. Hunting.
“S-s-so you don’t know about the fact that she is a W-w-w-werewolf.” As Erik spoke the words Kades’ eyes darkened blazing with ice cold hatred.
“You what!” he boomed, “That makes things worse’ I am ending this one way or another!”
“Wait Kade! The legends aren’t right…..remember they are more like folk tales.” Erik attempted desperately to protect the one thing he had ever loved.
“You mean….You’re one of them now! You would rather betray your entire species and me….your own brother. For some werewolf girl! That is where we differ greatly….You love another species and have managed to cause one of them to love you in return even though you knew from the beginning how I felt about her!” Kade had turned as red as his hair from anger he demonstrated towards Erik.
“I have another difference for you, brother. I am in love as I have a decent soul. I listen to every word she says. I show compassion and in return we both share the same feelings. I love her and unlike you, if she told me to leave her and never go back I would. Kade….I would go to the end of the world and back for Phoenix…..I’m sorry Kade if the love you always feel has been unrequited but me and Phoenix belong….it’s like the world revolves around us and only us.”
“Don’t pity me! I have experienced lust and this is not it! I love her! And if I can’t have her I suppose I will just have to destroy you both!” Kade’s voice dripped with venom.
Erik stood scared that the conversation that had happened between him and his brother was going to cause his parce est qui to be killed brutally. Kade watched Erik with a smirk before he turned and sprinted into the darkness but this time Erik did not dare to follow.
Once Phoenix was in her wolf form, she pranced into the woods thinking of which prey she would hunt. She finally decided on red deer as for her it had the richest, tastiest meat. The breeze picked up sending her nostrils crazy. There has been someone here. It slowly dawned on her that the scent reminded her of Erik. He was here. Or he has been here, her thoughts retorted.
She continued hunting while her thoughts bickered. The scent of red deer hit her sending her thoughts into silence. She allowed the hunting instinct to take over. Her haunches lowered at the sight of alone deer in the thick of the trees. She growled quietly as she perfected her position. The wind shifted causing her to circle. The breeze suddenly picked up.
Leaves rustled behind her and she growled defensively. Her head abruptly throbbed as though she had been struck by a brick. Before she could change, she fell into a deep black void, her final memory was of a stranger’s taunting laugh.
Chapter 8
Her eyes fluttered, wrestling to keep conscious. She took in her surroundings unsure of her whereabouts. The room appeared to be held up by several intricate pillars each one showing a different story. The nearest appeared to be showing men fighting against a pack of wolves. Shock overtook her making her regain consciousness rapidly. They were showing the Great War that was waged between Vampires and Werewolves!
“Glad to see you’re finally awake…it wasn’t much fun hitting you; I would have preferred a fight.” The voice held the undertones of violence and malicious. She turned her head for the first time to see she was trapped inside a silver cage in her wolf form.
Didn’t he know that I won’t be able to talk to him? She thought questioning his knowledge. She growled defiantly. Kade appeared in her line of sight smiling slightly.
“Yes I know you can’t communicate, I did my own research. Mostly it revolved around you, Phoenix.” She growled menacingly. “Or would you prefer I call you Wolfie like my brother does?” This time she leaped to her paws and bared her incisors.
You evil, dumb, hideous bloodsucker! She screamed as many names as she could think of at him through her thoughts and in response he appeared to flinch slightly.
“Oh, I see you have a weakness for him, don’t you? Too bad I have locked him away in a separate cage….now, now, now Phoenix, are your thoughts really necessary about me. I’m not that bad am I?”
Wait, how can you hear my thoughts?
“Oh you know, a talent I received from my creator….Perhaps you’ve heard of him….His name is Angelus.�
� She growled at the mention of Angelus’ name, her reaction caused Kade to sneer at her and reach a hand out as though to console a restless dog.
She growled again and snapped at him as he reached through the cage.
“Ah, a fighter, well, just so you know…if you injure me while you are in there you shall never see your precious Erik again.”
Let him go! She growled through her thoughts as fiercely as she could. It worked. Kade moved back as though she’d held a scolding hot iron to his forehead.
“Now why should I do that? Why shouldn’t I just keep you for my own? I am sure you would come to love me if given time.”
I will never love you! Not even if you were the last Vampire in the history of the Earth! Not even if you offered me a treaty! Her thoughts obviously broke Kade’s heart as his anger took control.
“Sorry about before, you know about me hitting you round the head and the lie that Erik being alive. That was last night! I tore him apart this morning and his screams sounded like perfect music to me! So it is pointless for you to fight! Especially since I have plenty of other objects to use as a bludgeon if needs be.”
I don’t believe it! He would tear you apart easier than eating a deer! And anyway who says you’ll be able to get close enough to hit me.
Her thoughts became fiercer as a flash of pure hatred overcame her. Her sight became tinted with crimson as she stared into his black soulless eyes.
“Believe me if you desire the truth. You shall never see him again…I have won. I have claimed the best victory prize….you.” His voice was a whisper now but it was barely audible over her enraged, thudding heart.
I am no prize! And even if I am, it would be Erik who won. You are nothing compared to him. Her thoughts snarled viciously. These thoughts finally tore open his fury leaving her pleased with his reaction.
“He is gone and you are mine…..you will learn to love me either that….or starve,” his voice grew to an alarming volume and a poisonous sneer lined his lips. She growled for him to stop yelling as her eardrums rung violently.