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Eternal Love Page 5

  “You see, you will bow before me.” He turned and exited the room through a giant set of double doors emblazoned with what she assumed was the Cyprian Crest.

  The crest was intricate, the shape resembled an ancient mirror in which was a prowling lion wrestling a black bear.

  Well, she thought, at least she could tell that Kade definitely resembled the black bear….at least in terms of brute strength. In the distance Kade laughed bitterly.

  In response she growled, shocked at her own anger.

  God, being trapped has made me more violent, she thought; normally I have a relatively calm nature. What if Erik was truly dead? If he was, which she refused to believe, how on Earth am I supposed to escape from a cage that prevents me from shifting?

  Chapter 9

  After an incredibly long couple of hours in the cage, Phoenix regained her calmness and positioned herself close to the bars to observe Kade. He was asleep, for now. Well, she thought, the only options I have to escape are; 1. To pretend to be in love with Kade. She cringed at the thought. 2. Somehow get a message out for help without contacting the Werewolves or starting a war. Or 3. Somehow get Kade angry enough that he insists ending it with a fight. As she decided her options, Kade stood up and strode towards her cage.

  “Stop thinking about Erik! It is pointless thinking of something that is currently a pile of dust,” he growled but she just thought of Erik more at the mention of him.

  Kade growled and paced angrily.

  You are not going to get me to bow down to you and I shall never stop thinking about Erik. Parce est qui! Doesn’t that mean anything to you? He means more than my life and that it is how it shall always be. Her thoughts surprised her, they had taken on the tone of an Alpha. She was the ruler and she was never going to bow down to anyone, especially not Kade.

  “Of course I know what it means and how it feels. I am not an incompetent fool. And just so you know, I shall never bow down to you!”

  I wasn’t asking you to bow, I was warning you. Now back off!

  “If that is the way you want things you can remain trapped for all I care.

  Well if this is how you are going to be then why don’t we just end this? You and me. She challenged him as she realised the only real options were to either fight or remain trapped. And she could not survive another minute near this vampire.

  “Fine if you want to fight, we shall fight. My conditions are that you must allow me to choose the site of the battle.”

  Alright, but I am allowed to remain a wolf.



  He sneered as he read her thought.

  “See you there.”

  Don’t worry I am not the one who will back out easily.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  Yes, she growled, and you won’t survive.

  Chapter 10

  The Blue Flame River sent sparks of jade into the night sky, enhancing the banks which were to be used as their battle grounds. The wind blew through her russet fur as a low growl emanated from her throat, ripping through the atmosphere. A red moon signaled it was time. She would either live or die. Kill or be killed. This was the moment her visions had warned her of, and the only point in which her life was most on the line. This was the fate she had been destined to follow.

  She circled silently, her paws barely rustling the leaves which lay scattered along the dew covered grass. Her haunches dropped perfecting the movement for one pounce that will determine whether she will survive. Bearing her canines, she let out one howl, a single war cry, and plunged head first into the battle. Her final thought was, ‘I do not fear death….I fear what will follow.’

  She pounced onto Kade in an attempt to throw him off guard. It succeeded. He collapsed to the ground with a solid crunch. Great, she thought, at least I may have broken some of his bones, if not all of them. He screamed in agony while solidly throwing punches in her direction. Phoenix targeted his right arm and with lightening speed clamped her incisors into his muscle. Unplanned, Kade gripped her around the ribs and threw her over his head. She landed with a thud but quickly clambered to her paws. She swerved aside as Kade charged towards her. He growled angrily as he missed but she had hit him squarely between his shoulder blades with her tail sending him flying into a nearby boulder. He lay unmoving.

  Phoenix sniffed the breeze in his direction hoping for the scent of death but all she could smell was ferns and seawood smoke. Kade leaped at her taking her by surprise, she tumbled head over tail through the air towards the bank of the river. Shaking her body, she stood and glared at Kade.

  You don’t have to do this, we could just end it all, she thought.

  He laughed cruelly, “And what would be the point in that?” As soon as he finished speaking he lunged again but this time Phoenix was ready.

  Fine suit yourself, her thoughts were bellowing at him and she could see his eyes widen in shock as she dived over him. She turned on her heels and bit, this time taking away one of his arms.

  He screeched at her in annoyance and pain as Phoenix spat out his limp arm. The arm which she had removed and assumed dead moved towards her. Distracted by staring at Kade with bitter hate, the arm wrapped itself around her throat, suffocating her. As she fought for breath she heard howls in the distance. The Werewolves.

  Go back to where you came from, it is too dangerous! Her thoughts were yelling at the pack as she started to hear their minds.

  We shall leave but call us if you survive, A male wolf responded.

  Long live the Alpha! Long live the Queen! The entire pack was chanting, encouraging her.

  The chants gave her strength she never thought she would have. She wrestled the arm to the ground panting but still fighting. The hand remained unmoving at her paws. She turned her gaze towards Kade who stood smugly smiling at her near the boulder. His smile dropped at the sight of the blood staining her muzzle.

  “Well, it appears I finally have an equal opponent, but let’s take things up a notch!”

  He charged into her, sending her flying. She landed in a nearby ditch of roses and thorns. The wind flew out of her lungs as she landed on a rock, she lay panting unable to stand up yet.

  Kade smiled wickedly. “I told you that you wouldn’t survive.” She felt herself being lifted roughly from the ground.

  In a matter of seconds this will all be over, she thought as flashbacks of Erik came to mind. Erik standing at the edge of the ledge. Their first kiss, parce est qui. Wind flew past her ears but she ignored the feeling, she knew how this would end. It would end without her and Erik as they could never survive without each other. But Phoenix felt her time alive drawing ever nearer to the end as Kade advanced slowly while she flew through the air.

  Chapter 11

  She landed with a thud. She knew she was seriously injured as she raised her head to assess her injuries. She felt several broken bones as she attempted to move her right side. Her paw was laying limp against her and her ribs glistened with fresh blood.

  He had cheated.

  He had stabbed her.

  Kade stood looming over her, a blade glinting in his hand. He threw the knife at her its blade slicing through the air. She closed her eyes waiting for the pain. Waiting to be reunited with Erik. Seconds passed and she still felt nothing.

  Cautiously, she opened her eyes just in time to see Erik crouching protectively in front of her. A low growl was resounding from him, warning and challenging Kade to move nearer. She fought to keep hold of the present as Kade darted forward, but she could do nothing to hold back the black endless void.


  Phoenix lay shattered beneath a boulder by the time Erik found her. He cursed under his breath as he fought to restrain the urge to strike, but he knew that if he did the woman he loved was going to be in greater danger than the current situation she was in. He hid behind
a tree edging closer to Phoenix. As he moved from, the undergrowth, he noticed that Kade had a silver knife and was taking aim at Phoenix even though she lay unmoving and covered in blood. Without thinking Erik charged out into the clearing just in time to catch the blade as it whirled from Kade’s grasp.

  He turned to face Kade, blade in hand, after leaning over Phoenix and checking that she was breathing. “Her pulse is faint,” he muttered. He almost killed her. She has moments left. His thoughts were replaced by searing hatred he had never experienced towards a family member.

  “You almost killed her!” he growled but his voice was as strong and sharp as the blade he held.

  “Of course, that was the plan, if I couldn’t have her what made you think you deserved her?”

  “I love her and I am not scared to announce it, unlike you.” His answer took Kade off guard.

  “What made you think that I was scared? I was the one who kidnapped your little angel there. I am the one that was ready to do anything to stop your relationship. And I will now be the one to take your lives!” He roared in fury as he charged towards Erik. Erik reacted instantly preparing for a battle.

  Erik leaped at Kade meeting him in the centre of the clearing. They crashed into each other sounding like boulders being smashed together in an earthquake. Kade clawed at Erik, but Erik was prepared and slashed at his brother’s thigh sending Kade stumbling backwards. This was his chance. Erik somersaulted over Kade grabbing his head as he went. He landed firmly on the ground and threw him over his shoulders and in amongst the trees. As Kade left his grasp he could hear trees smashing under his brother’s body.

  Erik charged after his brother hoping, praying, that Phoenix would be alright. Footsteps sounded nearby. His brother’s. Erik identified him immediately and took off into the trees. He jumped amongst the branches returning to the thickest part of the woods with Kade directly behind him in quick pursuit. Erik turned and landed in the smallest clearing in the woods. He had decided earlier, with Fiona’s help, that this would be the best place to end this. Unprepared for the direction Kade would come from, he turned in a circle searching the darkness.

  Kade pounced sending him crashing to the floor. Before he could react, Kade launched him back toward the clearing at the river‘s edge. Erik clung to a tree before he collided with the boulders below and clambered up the branches. He leaped more rapidly this time afraid that Kade would be there before him, even though he knew he was the fastest. He arrived and sprinted to Phoenix’s side. Kade came out of the clearing. Erik charged but this time instead of throwing Kade, he used his most lethal weapons. His teeth and hands.

  Kade followed his lead attempting to snap at his throat but he wasn’t fast enough. Erik clamped his teeth into Kade’s throat as hard as he could manage. He clamped his teeth until he heard a satisfactory snap. He dropped his brother’s spinal cord from his mouth and circled his brother’s motionless body. He made rapid work in dismantling Kade and covering him in raven feathers, he made sure the feathers had caused his skin to smolder, before he returned to Phoenix.


  Phoenix fought against the black-void until she finally regained consciousness. She opened her eyes to take in what had happened, relieved to discover that she and Erik were alive and safe. She looked up to see Erik’s almond eyes looking at her, relief and worry swirling there.

  “Can you change back?” his voice gave away how worried he was.

  She nodded, careful that she may fall under the darkness again. She shifted back to human form and Erik smiled in relief.

  “Is Kade gone? Did we win?” She glanced at the pile of smoldering feathers.

  “Yes, Kade is gone. The raven feathers will make quick work at turning him to dust….I am so glad you are safe.” Relief flooded his words but hinted at regret for his brother.

  But before she could reply, Erik had her in his arms and was kissing her passionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck, snaking her fingers through his silky, brown hair. He pulled away but kept his face inches from hers. They sighed in contempt and gazed into each other’s eyes. He leaned next to her ear and whispered the three words they had both attempted to say before but had never found the right moment.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” was all she managed to reply before he was carrying her back through the woods. She huddled closer to his chest finally feeling at peace. As he walked, she slowly fell asleep to the rocking of his chest unaware of what was to happen next. It didn’t matter what came next, they had each other.

  They had eternal love.